Featured Exhibit Application

Featured Exhibit Application

Mahalo for your interest in providing works of art for a featured exhibit at the Volcano Art Center. Please complete the form below and submit payment for your artwork to be considered for a featured exhibition. Incomplete applications will not be considered. All applications will be reviewed subjectively by a qualified panel of individuals. VAC will notify you as soon as this process is complete but do be aware it can take up to 6 weeks for review, we appreciate your patience. Again thank you for submitting your application.

  • This can be decided at a later date.
  • Please explain main materials used in the creation of the works .
  • Please provide a written description of the work, media and theme of the proposed exhibition.
  • Artists who would like to have their work considered for a solo or group exhibit in VAC gallery should think about how their work fits the mission of VAC and the interpretive goals of HVNP. Our mission is to promote, develop and perpetuate Hawaiʻi’s artistic, cultural and environmental heritage through the arts and education. HVNP’s agreement with VAC states that VAC will feature work that has a direct relationship to the Hawaiian culture and the scenic and natural values of the park and Hawai‘i. The agreement further stipulates that no item will be exhibited or sold that contains lava or any part of any rare or endangered species as defined under the Endangered Species Act. Artists whose work to be shown contains koa wood must provide assurance that the koa has been legally harvested.
  • Please include biographical information about yourself and any additional exhibiting artists
  • Accepted file types: jpeg, pdf, jpg, Max. file size: 64 MB.
    Please upload a headshot or group shot to be used on the website
  • Please provide a range of the wholesale prices of the works in the proposed exhibition. To arrive at the retail pricing, VAC doubles the wholesale (artist price).
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 5.
      Please provide up to 5-10 jpeg images of examples of your artwork for review.
    • Any special requirements for proper display of the artwork? Because of the historic nature of our building, we are unable to show work that requires climate control, specialized lighting, high security, reinforced floors, or certain other needs
    • $0.00
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